Comté (14 months) 康堤 (14個月熟成)
Comté (14 months) 康堤 (14個月熟成)
This is our Comté, matured for 14 months for more creaminess and subtle flavor.
Out of all our selection this is one of the few that are not farmhouse. And there is a reason !
Traditionally Comté was made by several farmers that would collaborate to produce bigger pieces of cheese that could last longer.
Therefore they created the « Fruitières » (« fruiteries ») where they would gather the fruit of their work. Nowadays Comté can only be produced with milk coming from different farms, and thus cannot be farmhouse!
Our Comté is coming from la Fruitière des Suchaux, which is almost on the Swiss border and close to Morteau, also famous for their smoked sausage.
We have selected this Comté for its delicate flavor and it’s perfect texture. Dry fruits, nuts, milk and cream are the aromas that this Comté offers.
We are so proud to serve this real piece of deliciousness in Hong Kong.
這是我們的皇牌Comté康堤芝士, 經6個月的熟成
我們的芝士絕大多數都是農場人手製作並直送的,康堤芝士(Comté )是少數的例外。
Comté 是法國其中一種最古老的芝士。傳統上,數家農場把奶集中起來,集中送到 « Fruitières »以製作大型及保存期比較長的芝士。因此,普通小型農場的奶量是不足以製作 Comté的。
我們的Comté來自la Fruitière des Suchaux地區—該地區幾乎是瑞士邊境,並盛產煙燻肉腸。
這裹的Comté細緻柔滑,完美豐腴,散發著乾果、果仁、牛奶和奶油的香氣。 我們十分榮幸把這份精緻的美味帶來香港。
Produced with raw cow’s milk.
All products including this one are subject to availability and could be replaced by another product of similar category.
Imported from France.
Using our best effort to match the order, quantities may vary to more or less 10% on the final cut and, where possible, we will compensate with other cheeses ordered.