Cœur de Neufchâtel fermier 納莎泰勒心型農家芝士

Cœur de Neufchâtel fermier 納莎泰勒心型農家芝士


Cœur de Neufchatel is a very special cheese for several reasons ! First of all, it used to be produced by women during the war, when they decided to shape it as a heart in order to offer them to their husbands fighting on the fields.

Also, its production method is different from classical bloomy rind cheeses (Camembert de Normandie, Brie de Meaux, …) and is therefore chalkier and slightly saltier as well.

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Produced with raw cows'’ milk.

All products including this one are subject to availability and could be replaced by another product of similar category.

Imported from France.

Miso Mozzarella - 100g 麵豉馬蘇里拉 - 100g

Miso Mozzarella - 100g 麵豉馬蘇里拉 - 100g

Japanese Caramel Cheese (Japan) 日本焦塘芝士

Japanese Caramel Cheese (Japan) 日本焦塘芝士

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Mont d’Or Fruitière 蒙多爾

Sale Price:HK$120.00 Original Price:HK$170.00
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Camembert with Black Truffle 金文畢配黑松露

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Tomme au Piment d'Espelette 艾斯佩雷辣椒芝士

from HK$130.00