Cheese Selection - 3 months plan 精選芝士訂閱 - 3個月計計劃

Cheese Selection - 3 months plan 精選芝士訂閱 - 3個月計計劃

from HK$800.00 every month for 3 months

In this monthly selection, Antoine will curate some of the best pieces that have reached perfect maturation for you to enjoy them !

Each month you will receive a different selection & will be able to enjoy some of our new products.

This plan will be activated for 3 months.

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Raclette Cheese Party Platter (6 to 8 pers) (1,5kg) 拉克萊特芝士派對 (6-8人份) (1.5 公斤)

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Cheese selection - 12 months plan 精選芝士訂閱 - 12個月計計劃

from HK$800.00 every month for 1 year
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Cheese selection - 6 months plan 精選芝士 - 6個月訂閱

from HK$800.00 every month for 6 months

Cheese and Cold-cuts Tasting Selection 芝士及火腿冷盤 試食系列

Sale Price:HK$740.00 Original Price:HK$780.00